Exploring the Future:

Why These Office Designs Are the Next Big Trend in Workspace Evolution

The popularity of hybrid models is on the rise. This has led to the need for satellite offices. These offices provide employees with a place to work outside the company’s main office. The size of the company does not always determine satellite offices. The location and concentration of employees make the satellite office design plan a viable solution accommodating employees in varying locations.

People often confuse hybrid models with a remote model. Remote workers can and do perform their work without the need for an in-person office. Working remotely can mean working from home or any location. A hybrid model is a mix of working in person and remotely. Workers have in-person benefits without being confined to an office for 40 hours a week.

This office design plan is an excellent solution to keeping the structure workers might need to perform outside of the main office. Satellite offices can be located in a different area of a large city, state, and in some cases, a different country. Therefore, these office options can serve many purposes. They can accommodate many employees or just a few at a time. Deciding if a satellite office is the right solution for you depends on a company’s needs and what is expected of employees.

Why Hybrid Offices are More Important Now than Ever

Mobile Privacy Pods | Hybrid Office Model | StrongProjectIn the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic companies have learned a lot. Regulations and precautions have led to the realization that in many cases, workers can be just as productive if not more productive working from home. In fact, the majority of workers prefer working remotely. The IT Company Accenture put out a report highlighting the popularity of hybrid models. The report found that the hybrid model is being used by 63% of high-growth companies. It also found that 83% of workers preferred the hybrid model.

With the majority of companies in the study implementing the hybrid model and seeing satisfactory results we will probably see these transitions continue. Hybrid models can lead to an increased work/life balance and ultimately may have a positive impact on performance. It is a win-win for employees and companies. With a business model that makes workers happier and has the potential to help firms save money while maintaining production, it’s safe to say that the hybrid model will continue to grow in popularity.

Although 83% of workers prefer the hybrid model, they still find face-to-face interaction an important part of the work experience. 74% of Gen Z employees in the report say they want interaction between coworkers. This preference shows that the future workforce still values the opportunity to work with others in person. The need for in-person interaction shows that the future might favor hybrid models rather than a completely remote model.

Company Growth and Satellite Offices

Collaborative Meeting Tables for Hybrid Office DesignAs companies grow, whether it’s in revenue, workforce, or geography, office expansion is inevitable. This growth often results in an increased need for accommodation. Companies that grow into new geographical locations tap into an entirely new pool of workers. You might see satellite offices pop up as a result of operating in different time zones, businesses accessing a new customer or client base, or providing employees with the necessary tools to do their jobs. Depending on the scope of the work, these offices are ideal for traveling employees. These offices can become a home away from home while workers travel. Regardless of the reason for company growth, satellite offices have become a tool for businesses and workers.

Who is the Satellite For?

Hybrid Workplace EnvironmentsSince there are several reasons to build a satellite office, the type of workers who use it can vary greatly. Satellite offices are often used by workers who don’t have access to the main office. It can also be used as an alternate site or a central office in another location. The office provides structure and normalcy to workers. All employees that need collaborative spaces, quiet and private work areas, and the opportunity to socialize with colleagues can make good use of a satellite office. Companies can meet their worker’s needs even though they might operate outside of the main office. A satellite office is for anybody who needs it.

The Need for a Satellite Office

Return to Office Hybrid ModelIn an article featured on Indeed Career Development, they highlight the need for and the benefits of a satellite office. From expansion to recruiting to gaining access to an entirely new talent pool, satellite offices can be very beneficial, but they are key to supporting a successful hybrid model. This might mean that employees split their regular time between the office and a remote site, or they may come into the main office on an as-needed basis. However, the hybrid model is structured, so there is a need for an in-person option. This is what separates the hybrid model from a completely remote position.

Some hybrid models might have employees local for which there is no need for a satellite office, but companies that have employees working long distances require the need for satellite offices. Satellite offices let workers enjoy the benefits of the hybrid model from anywhere while providing amenities for all employees.

When businesses grow there is often a need for expansion. Expanding within a city or into different cities often comes with challenges. Companies need to maintain performance, company culture, and visibility. Satellite offices allow a company to maintain its structure and production in other areas. Even though employees aren’t present in the main office, the work experience shouldn’t be different.

The Shared Satellite Office

Hybrid Office | StrongProjectTo smaller companies, a satellite office might seem unnecessary. Building out an entirely new office in a different location makes sense if the company has the business and employees to support it, but what happens if a company only has a few employees in need of an office? Shared spaces are the perfect solution.

Coworker is a site that allows you to rent workspace as needed. In a recent article, Coworker talks about the benefits of co-working spaces and how it’s shaping the future. Although Coworker specializes in renting work spaces for short periods, the benefits of sharing a satellite office are very similar.

Shared spaces or co-working spaces are offices shared by multiple tenants. Similar to mixed-use spaces, these offices can accommodate many different types of workers and can easily be rearranged to suit their needs. Sharing a satellite office with other companies allows workers to network, meet new people, and work in a more fluid environment. Shared spaces are also very cost-efficient. When companies share office space they also share the costs and overhead of the space. Being able to share the cost allows a company to give their workers a nice working environment while still being cost-efficient.

Satellite Office Design Plans

Return to Office Hybrid Model Since satellite offices aren’t located in the central office, sometimes they are condensed versions of the main office. Like the central office, the layout and design differ depending on the scope of the work. Some satellite offices might provide meeting areas, workstations, and recreation areas. This largely depends on the time spent in the office and the number of workers using the satellite office. Tailoring the office to worker’s needs makes efficient use of the office reducing the amount of wasted space.

When designing a satellite office, making the most out of the space being used is important. Some satellite offices might accommodate 2 or 3 employees while others might house hundreds of workers. Hybrid business models usually require less physical space due to the limited use of the area. Usually, this reduces the number of workstations needed. Staggered usage or work areas reserved on an as-needed basis make this possible.

With the growing adoption of hybrid offices, mixed-use spaces have become more and more popular. Large open areas with ergonomic seating have transformed traditional boardrooms. Private work booths and aesthetically pleasing desk pods are replacing the bland and outdated cubicles. Modular furniture gives workers the ability to easily rearrange areas to suit their needs at the time. Mixed-use spaces have become a great example of efficient use of space. Satellite office design plans aim to provide workers in different locations with all the tools to do their job.

Should you Use a Satellite Office?

Return to Hybrid OfficeAs mentioned above, many factors play into whether or not a satellite office is a viable option. Satellite offices are a necessity for companies growing in size or expanding into new markets, but they might also create value in bigger cities. Satellite offices can create convenience that employees can benefit from anywhere. The business model and the nature of the work will determine the need for a satellite office, but providing employees with a well-designed office helps them succeed in an evolving hybrid world.

Source: Strong Project